Upcoming Events
For details of times and tickets see the Addingham Primary School website: www.addingham.bradford.sch.uk
All lessons and Band Coaching classes in ALL Ilkley Schools and Ilkley central classes start this week.
For details of dates please check your child’s school by going to ‘Information for Parents’, ‘What’s on at your Child’s School’ and then search for the school.
Learn to Rock’s Josie Clough, Lead Teacher for Performing Arts, will be leading a Dance workshop with KS2 students next Thursday 2 October at Burley Oaks Primary School.
This will form part of a really exciting programme of events at the school for parents to see.
Dance rehearsals will start Thursday 9 October with Learn to Rock tutors in support of the Performing Arts Department preparation for their annual Musical.
A fabulous and exciting one off workshop event featuring some of the specialist Learn to Rock tutors working with the students in Year 5 and 6 at Burley and Woodhead Primary School.
Including: Djembe (African Drumming), Bamboo Tamboo, Zumba and Tribal Dance.
Workshops starting at 11.00am and culminating in a performance 2.45pm to 3.15pm.
Alison, our Director for Learn to Rock is about to engage in a brand new research project with local Artist and Documentary maker.
The project will focus on the impact of student progress and experience when learning with a Parent.
Details of where to view the documentary will be posted soon.
All the students at Burley and Woodhead C of E Primary School will have the opportunity to watch and participate in another interactive and exciting Drum Kit demonstration.
Following the success of the first Drum Kit performance and demonstration last November some of the Learn to Rock Drum tutors: Dan, Alex and Alison will be visiting Burley and Woodhead Primary School with selected students from the Yorkshire area and will perform and demonstrate all aspects of drum Kit playing with selected students from Burley and Woodhead Primary School who currently have Drum Kit lessons with Dan.
Students will bring application forms and information letters home following the Drum Kit demonstration on Thursday 13 November.
Parents will subsequently have the chance to sign their children up for Drum Kit lessons with Learn to Rock which will start in January 2015.
Foxhill Primary School Students will be taking part in a non stop Music day in aid of Children in Need.
Children will participate in the Choir, Brass Rehearsals, Drum Lessons and Rehearsals, Keyboard Lessons and Band.
Look North will be visiting us during the afternoon to take some footage of our Music to include in the evening news on Friday.
On Wednesday 26 November, Mal, one of Learn to Rock’s Vocal Coaches will be providing a morning of free singing ‘taster’ lessons for the students at Burley Oaks Primary School.
Lessons are on offer on a first come first served basis to any student in Reception to Year 6.
The Office at Burley Woodhead School will be issuing letters and return slips for parents to sign their children up for the taster lessons.
Return slips must be sent back to the school office by Tuesday 18 November.
On Wednesday 3 December each year group at Dixons Music Primary will be showcasing the work undertaken this term in the field of Performing Arts and Singing.
Details to follow from Dixons Music Primary regarding specific timings for each Year Group.
All students in Key Stage 2 will participate in their Christmas Performance on Wednesday 3 December 2.30pm.
Work from Mr Yates Music Curriculum lessons will be featured alongside instrumental and vocal solos and ensembles.