Upcoming Events
Dixons Music Primary
Year 2 Music Showcase
Monday 21 March 2016: 10.30am to 11.30am
Year 3 Music Showcase
Monday 21 March 2016: 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Burley Oaks Musical Theatre Open Rehearsal
Wednesday 23 March 2016: 4.30pm to 5.00pm
Parents are invited at the end of this Spring term to come and watch part of the Burley Oaks Musical Theatre after school group rehearse in preparation for their Summer Performance.
Admittance is free and parents will be invited in to the rehearsal from 4.30pm onwards.
Burley Oaks Primary School
Musical Soiree
Will involve some of the students from Burley oaks who currently have lessons with us at Learn to Rock.
Please contact the school for more details.
Learn to Rock Music Demonstration
Tutors and students at Learn to Rock will be visiting Burley Oaks Primary School on Friday 10 June to present our annual Musical instrument demonstration.
This will give students at the school an opportunity to see instruments being demonstrated and help them to decide if they would like to start learning with us at Learn to Rock.
Information regarding how to sign students up for lessons will be issued after the demonstrations on Friday 10 June.
Learn to Rock Annual Summer Performance
Will take place on Tuesday 28 June from 7.00pm to 8.30pm (approx. end time).
Selected students who have lessons with us from a number of local schools will be taking part in this informal performance.
Performance will include solos, small ensemble work and band work.
More details regarding the students involved will follow after Easter
Burley Oaks Primary School
Musical Theatre After School Club
Will present their annual Summer performance on Wednesday 13 July.
The performance will be a medley from well known Musicals.
The schedule for the evening is:
3.20pm to 5.00pm: Usual after school club/ Dress Rehearsal
5.00pm to 5.30pm: Preparation
5.30pm to 6.30pm: Performance
The performance is free and parents will be sent 4 tickets with the Summer term newsletter to be issued on Friday 12 February.
Details of characters and costumes will be given in the Summer term newsletter.
Details will also be posted on the website after Friday 12 February:
Go to:
The home page
Information for parents
What’s on at your child’s school
Then type in Burley Oaks Primary School
The Summer term newsletter will be there
Letter Home to Parents on Wednesday 11 May with Complimentary Tickets
Burley Oaks Primary School
Learn to Rock Musical Theatre Group
Summer Performance 2016
Wednesday 13 July: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Admission: Free
Tickets: 4 per family
On Wednesday 13 July the Burley Oaks Primary School Learn to Rock Musical Theatre Group will be presenting a performance featuring extracts from various Musicals.
Please find 4 free tickets for the show attached to this letter.
This letter will also be posted on the Learn to Rock website: www.learntorock.co.uk
To view this letter online please go to the home page, Upcoming Events, click on this and go down to Wednesday 13 July and click on this event.
As there are many contrasting Musical extracts we would like the children to attend wearing all black.
Please can students wear leggings and not skirts or dresses and black tee shirts with black pumps.
3.20pm: All children: Dress rehearsal in the Hall
4.45pm: All children: Costumes make up and ready
5.30pm: Performance
6.30pm: Latest end time
We look forward to seeing you at the show.
Josie Clough
Performing Arts Leader for Learn to Rock and Burley Oaks Musical Theatre Leader
From Monday 12 September to the end of the academic year, Learn to Rock will be working with the children at Clayton Village Primary School providing an after school Musical Theatre club.
Please see the details sent out bu the school to parents for more information about this club and how to register your child to join.
Learn to Rock Musical Theatre After School Programme: Coming to: Ben Rhydding Primary School: From Thursday 3 November 2016.
Learn to Rock will be delivering an afternoon of Musical Theatre taster workshops on Thursdays 15 and 22 September at Ben Rhydding Primary School in Ilkley.
The first of these workshops will take place on Thursday 15 September for students in Years 1,2 and 3.
The second workshop will take place on Thursday 22 September for students in Years 4,5 and 6.
Students will be bringing an information pack and application form home following the taster programmes.
From Thursday 3 November, Learn to Rock will be providing a Musical Theatre after school programme 3.30pm to 5.00pm. This programme will run until the end of the year next July 2017.
Please complete the application attached to the information pack and return directly to the Learn to Rock office. Details can be found in the information pack.
We look forward to working with your children.
Learn to Rock Musical Theatre Taster After School Club
Starting Thursday 3 November 2016
Learn to Rock will be presenting the second of two workshops at Ben Rhydding Primary School on Thursday 22 September for children in Years 4,5 and 6.
From Thursday 3 November: 3.30pm to 5.00pm, Learn to Rock will be providing a Musical Theatre after school club at Ben Rhydding running until the end of the academic year next July 2017.
Following the taster afternoon, children will bring hom an information pack and an application form.
In order to register your child for a place on this new programme, please complete the application form on the back page and return to us. the details can be found in your information pack.
We look forward to working with your child.
Learn to Rock Instrument and Singing Demonstration
On Wednesday 5 October, Learn to Rock will provide an interactive Instrument and Singing demonstration for the children at Ben Rhydding Primary School.
Information packs and application forms will be sent out to parents following the demonstration.
Parents are invited to register their children for lessons with Learn to Rock which take place at ben Rhydding Primary School on Tuesday and Thursdays.
We provide the following lessons on a weekly basis at Ben Rhydding Primary School:
Electric, Classical and Bass Guitars
Piano and Keyboard
Singing: Musical Theatre, Popular, Classical
Clarinet, Flute and Saxophones
We teach any child aged 4 to 11 years old at Ben Rhydding Primary School.
Our new after school Musical Theatre programme starts tonight at Ben Rhydding Primary School in llkley.
Students are to go to the Hall immediately after school.
For any parent who has missed the deadline, please contact us for further details on how to register your child.