Apply for lessons

Number of lessons per term
Lessons with Learn to Rock are invoiced for ahead of each full school term. The typical number of weeks per term* per standard school term are:
- Autumn Term: 14 weeks of lessons
- Spring Term: 13 weeks of lessons
- Summer Term: 12 weeks of lessons
Lesson costs
Lesson Prices for September 2018 to July 2019 are as follows:
- 1 student for a 20 minute one to one lesson: £12.00
- 1 student for a 30 minute one to one lesson: £18.00
- 1 student for a 45 minute one to one lesson: £27.00
- 1 students for a 60 minute one to one lesson: £36.00
Apply for lessons
If your child you like to start learning an instrument with us either at their school or at one of our evening or weekend central classes please download the application form and return to us:
Learn to Rock
Carolina House Offices
Salents Lane
North Yorkshire
YO17 9TL
On receipt of your application form we will contact you to discuss lesson days and times and to send you an invoice.
* The number of weeks per term are subject to change according to the number of weeks per term in each academic year