Gareth Grade 8 Bass looms closer!
Posted: 21/01/16
As Gareth’s (Year 12) Rockschool Bass grade 8 exam looms close we have been making musical sense of one of his improvised solo’s.
The solo in ‘Dark Matter’ from the grade 8 syllabus is particularly challenging in attempting to make the solo sound fluid and musical whilst concurrently demonstrating a range of solo techniques, finger style, slap, chordal work in a range of octaves.
Here Gareth has cracked it!
How did we do it?
We practiced individual riffs that could comprise the solo, linked them together and worked in this at a slower tempo out of the context if the piece to a simple Drum backing track.
We then added the solo to the CD backing track obviously at tempo.
We then contextualised the solo within the whole piece.
Check out the stages of learning!!
Should get a good mark!!!