Celebrating the Success of Former Student

Posted: 25/08/17

Celebrating the success of former Learn to Rock student: Ben Walker: bass guitar: tutor: Alison Smith 2001 to 2007

We would like to acknowledge the tremendous success of a former student of our Director Alison Smith:  Ben Walker.

Ben was a student at Dixons City Technology College from 2000 to 2007.

In that time Ben was a committed musician to the Music Department whilst Alison Smith was the Head of Department.

Ben was a tremendous musician throughout his time at Dixons CTC playing Flugal Horn in many of the school ensembles.

Ben began studying the Bass Guitar with Alison in Year 8 and continued through to Year 13.

Ben gained the outstanding mark of 97 out of 100 for his Grade 8 Rock School Bass Guitar Exam and worked with Alison to gain a place at Salford University.  Ben went on to achieve amazing results at University and graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Music.

Following his graduation, Ben gained a position playing the Bass in the bands and shows on the Cruise Ship:  Carnival Cruise line based in Miami, Florida, USA.

Ben continued to work hard and was soon the Musical Director for all the Bands and Music occurring on the Cruise Ship.  He maintained this position until earlier this year when he felt the time was right to leave and pursue his performance and teaching work back in Manchester.

Last week we discovered that the prestigious Scott Divine from Scottsbasslessons.com has invited Ben to be part of the student spotlight.

Scottsbasslessons.com is a fantastic online forum for Bass Guitarists. 

Scott Divine is the most widely followed Bass Guitar educator in the world with over 190,000 aspiring Bass players following his monthly lessons.

This is an amazing honour for Ben and will give him fantastic exposure as one of the top ‘up and coming’ Bass Guitarists there is.

In his meeting with Nick Wells (of Scotts Bass Lessons) Ben is described as:

Ben Walker is the latest breath of fresh air to drift through the SBL campus…..In this regular feature we shine on a select few SBL students regarded by many as ones to watch’

We would like to wish Ben all the best of luck as he strides forward in creating a great career as a top bassist and teacher.

Check Ben out:





Scott’s Bass Lessons


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