Drumkit and Percussion Masterclass

Posted: 19/04/17

June 21, 2017 @ 1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Burley Oaks Primary School
Langford Ln
Burley in Wharfedale, Ilkley LS29 7EL

Alison Smith will be presenting the first in a series of masterclasses for parents and children at Burley Oaks Primary School highlighting some of the outstanding Drumming achieved by her students this year.

Alison will demonstrate how children learn the Drumkit and how the learning in Drum lessons contributes to increased and accelerated learning across the curriculum.

The masterclass will feature children performing as young as Reception right up to Year 6. 

There will be the opportunity to see solos, duets, group work.

Alison will be explaining the rationale for warm ups, contextualised performance and ensemble work.

There will be the opportunity for children to volunteer to take part in some experimental work and perform.

We will be joined by Jack Hendy in Year 11 from Ilkley Grammar School.  Jack will be assisting Alison with the Masterclass and will also be performing some pieces for the children to see what they can aspire to as they get older and more proficient on the Drums.

Parents will truly be impressed by what the children have achieved this year.

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